Colorful Sun Catchers

(Numbers match with photos)
1. Choose a completed coloring page with plenty of bright hues.
2. Trace the perimeter of the jar lid and cut out the circle.
3. Using a cotton ball soaked in oil, dab — do not wipe, as colors may smear — over the artwork until paper is semi translucent. Blot any excess oil.
4. Glue the inside of the jar lid.
5. Place artwork inside the lid, decorative side facing out.
6. Tie twine or a pretty string around the ridged edge of the jar lid, leaving enough excess to hang. Display in a sunny window and enjoy the artwork for years to come.
Materials include: Coloring page (works best on white paper); wide-mouth Mason jar lids; oil (we used olive oil, but any should work); cotton balls; scissors; twine; glue; paper towels to protect work area and absorb excess oil.