Sweet September Succulents

by , , | Sep 8, 2017 | Crafts

Materials include: Artificial variety of succulents for a large container; one for a more simple decor, art sand, artificial moss, decorative stones, floral foam or styrofoam, glue gun.


(Numbers match with photos)

  1. Cut flower foam or styrofoam to fit container of choice.
  2. Using tho glue gun, secure foam inside container if necessary.
  3. arrange succulents by pushing into foam, calling space to add stone and/or moss.
  4. Hot-glue rocks and/or moss into place (two photos).
  5. Pour in art sand to caplet the look. There are many ways you can decorate with these no-maintenance plants! Simple or detailed they will liven up any room and be the perfect transition from summer to fall.