Sweet Simplicity

No time for the summertime blues

Sweet, sweet summertime is here! It is my favorite non-holiday time of the year for so many reasons — a slower change of pace, longer days, vacations and an abundance of fun activities to do throughout the season. In recent years, I have found it to be busier than...

Cheers to summer living

Ahh, sweet summer time. We are finally entering what might just be my favorite season of all — summer time! I love the longer days, the flip-flops and the many visits to the pool and ice cream stand that my family gets to make each summer season. What I love even more...

Design a game plan for cleaning duties

Is there anything better than coming home to a sparkling clean home? As the mother of two teenage boys, I can frankly say that these kinds of opportunities are short-lived — but when it does happen, it might just be one of the best natural highs around. Whether you...

Simple lessons learned from pandemic

This time of year tends to render me slightly nostalgic as the spring weather begins to remind me of that day in March, four years ago, when the world seemed to change in an instant. We stayed home from school and work, wore masks and watched the news anxiously for...

Be aware and remember to use self-care

One of the terms that seems to pop up on my news feed and in many of the things I read about health in general is the idea of “self care.” Sure, we know that to be healthy, we need to eat well, get lots of sleep and exercise but the notion of self care seems to take...

Use self-care to help survive the winter

Confession: February is probably my least favorite month of the year. Between post-holiday despressoin, the lack of Vitamin D and the overall dreary weather, I find myself riding the struggle bus without much motivation to help improve my mood. The walks I take after...

Make the new year just a little better

Happy New Year everyone! As much as the new year should be a time of excitement and renewal, for me, it tends to be the time of year when my energy level and happiness levels plummet. I am the kind of person who needs things to look forward to and with the beloved...

Make the holiday season yours

December comes and disappears so quickly — and it seem to fly by even more rapidly as the years go by. No matter how early I begin my preparations, December comes swiftly and flies by. ... Does this sound familiar? My children are out of the Santa stage and while I...

Try these stress-busters and time-savers

I’m not sure how life gets so busy but no matter what I do, I feel like we are working more, playing less — and feeling the results of such an overscheduled existence with constant feelings of stress and chaos. While we cannot create more hours in the day, there are,...