Protect your hands, skin

by | Jul 30, 2017 | Features

While gardening shows benefits during a cancer survivor’s battle, the period of time beginning seven to 12 days after finishing each chemotherapy dose — and possibly lasting up to one week — is when you may be at the greatest risk for infection.

During this time, called a nadir, health offcials recommend leaving the garden tools in the shed.

At other times, using gloves are very important to protect your hands and help to avoid cuts and scrapes.

Your skin is your first defense against infection, and any breaks in the skin create an opportunity for germs to enter your body.

Be especially careful around roses or other plants with sharp thorns.

Wearing gardening gloves also protects your hands from direct contact with soil, which can contain bacteria and mold.

After gardening, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.