Sweet Simplicity

Add some sparkle to housecleaning

Is there anything better than coming home to a clean house? I honestly can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see (and smell) my house in the immediate moments after I have cleaned it from top to bottom. It has become an increasingly rare occurrence in recent years,...

You made it this far; just keep going

We made it to February and while the month is associated with all things love and Valentine’s Day, I can honestly say I often struggle with finding much to love in the heart of the winter months. My immune system is strained, I am tired of the cold and lack of...

New year, new organizational goals

Happy New Year everyone! Raise your hand if you feel a bit blue from the annual post-holiday letdown. It’s cold, I’m broke and my festive house feels a little empty without the lovely lights from my now-stored December decorations. It can be a struggle, to be sure,...

Lower stress, expenses over holidays

Tis the season to be jolly ... well, at least in theory, right? The month of December and all of the festive fun that accompanies it may just be my favorite time of the year. My youngest was born in December too so it is just a special, albeit expensive month all...

Your No. 1 priority is yourself

I don’t know about you, but the fall season so far has been a rough one. Between having a busy schedule, not a ton of down time and a few illnesses and injuries mixed in, it has been a bit of a whirlwind. On a recent weekend, I made myself get up extra early so I...

Try to fall into good habits

My favorite season of the year is here and once again, despite my vow to not overextend my schedule too much, I have once again done just that. Do you feel this way too? I feel like I work more and play less — and my down time is spent recharging my batteries rather...

Learn to declutter with a plan

While we are embarking on my favorite series of seasons and the beloved (or dreaded, depending on your perspective) “Hallowthankmas” series of holidays, September and the months that follow certainly tend to derail any of my summer-accumulated simple living ethos. I...

Hold on to every ounce of summer

Is it just me or do the summer months fly by way too fast? Summer is my absolute favorite time of year but the old adage “time flies when you’re having fun” holds true in a big way. While the days will start getting shorter and the evenings will begin to have that...

No time for the summertime blues

Sweet, sweet summertime is here! It is my favorite non-holiday time of the year for so many reasons — a slower change of pace, longer days, vacations and an abundance of fun activities to do throughout the season. In recent years, I have found it to be busier than...

Cheers to summer living

Ahh, sweet summer time. We are finally entering what might just be my favorite season of all — summer time! I love the longer days, the flip-flops and the many visits to the pool and ice cream stand that my family gets to make each summer season. What I love even more...